Jumat, 04 Oktober 2013

Swordhaven Rep Bot Using Le Bot 7.7 | AdventureQuest World

Preview :

Tools :

Le Bot 7.7 (New Release) for Windows, Linux and MAC | AdventureQuest World

Swordhaven Reputation Bot
Download (mediafire)


Steps :
  1. Extract the files in a folder
  2. Open any trainer that can load dmbot files
  3. Open Bot Manager
  4. Load the file(s)
  5. Don't forget to customize your skill in Skill class on options  
  6. Click Enable in Bot Manager
  7. Open Auto Relogin and choose the server and then checklist auto relogin [follow this step (step 7) if you're using bot in a long time]
  8. Open Options and checklist "Resume Bot Man." and "Lag Killer" [follow this step (step 8) if you're using botin a long time]

  1. Extract file di sebuah folder
  2. Buka trainer yang dapat meload dmbot files
  3. Buka Bot Manager
  4. Load file bot
  5. Jangan lupa untuk mengatur skill class di options  
  6. klik Enable di Bot Manager
  7. Buka Auto Relogin dan pilih server dan kemudian centang "auto relogin" [ikuti langkah ini (langkah 7) jika Anda menggunakan bot dalam waktu yang lama]
  8.  Buka Options dan centang "Resume Bot Man." dan "Lag Killer" [ikuti langkah ini (langkah 8jika Anda menggunakan bot dalam waktu yang lama]

Spin The Wheel of Doom and Destiny Bot | AdventureQuest World

Spin The Wheel of Doom and Destiny Bot Released

Preview :

Tools :


Le Bot 7.8 (New Release) for Windows, Linux and MAC | AdventureQuest World

Spin The Wheel of Doom Bot (daily)

Spin The Wheel of Destiny Bot (daily)

NB : server time reset +- 12.00 WIB

Steps :
  1. Extract the files in a folder
  2. Open any trainer that can load dmbot files
  3. Open Bot Manager
  4. Load the file(s)
  5. Click Enable in Bot Manager


  1. Extract file di sebuah folder
  2. Buka trainer yang dapat meload dmbot files
  3. Buka Bot Manager
  4. Load file bot
  5. klik Enable di Bot Manager

Bug Combat Tropy PvP Bot | AdventureQuest World

Tools :


Le Bot 7.8 (New Release) for Windows, Linux and MAC | AdventureQuest World

Auto Clicker v3.0

Steps :

Using a combination of Le Bot and Auto Clicker v3.0 and abusing a bug in the game, I found a way you can gain points without leaving the spawn zone or moving!
Requirements: A class that drains your health. Necromancer is the class I used.

1. Open Le Bot and start Combat Trophies
2. Open Auto Clicker 3.0 and go to Options > Group > Interval and change the settings accordingly to your HP drain skill cool time
Necromancer is 3 so 3000 millseconds and check autostop box.

3. Follow the picture instructions closely 
4. Join a match and kill yourself for 10 points then respawn and do it over again!

Using this method you can contribute to your team even while botting!