1. Extract All Spell Ink Bot from Rar file 2. Open Le Bot (full screen) and Login your account 3. /join spellcraft and buy x10 Spell Ink required 4. then, returnto theinitialmenuwhen they want todospellink 5. Open GhostMouse 6. Move GhostMouse to sideways 7. Click File => Open => Choose your Spell Ink Bot 8. Click play on GhostMouse 9. Mousewill move itself until x10 Inscribe 10. Repeat ituntilrank10
1.EkstrakSemuaSpellInkBotdari fileRar 2. BukaLeBot(layar penuh) dan Loginaccount Anda 3./joinspellcraftdan belix10EjaInk yangdiperlukan 4. Lalu kembali ke menu awal saat akan melakukan spell ink 5. BukaGhostMouse 6. Pindahkan GhostMousekesamping 7. Klik File=> open=> Pilihspell Ink bot anda 8. Klikbermain diGhostMouse 9. Mouse akanbergerak sendirisampaix10Inscribe 10. Ulangisampai rank 10
All Reputations Bot in DragonRune Released This bot is useful for unlock "Necro Crypt Rep Shop" , "Druid Grove Rep Shop" and "Elemental Master Rep Shop"
Fiend Token Bot Released This bot is useful forobtain a "Legendary ArchFiend Set"
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Tools :
Diamond of Nulgath (Mana Golem-Elemental and Mana Elemental-Gilead) (mediafire) Recommended :Fight Mana Golem until you get as much as possible (x10++) Mana Energy for Nulgath in Elemental before you go to Gilead for Charged Mana Energy for Nulgath NB : Mana Energy for Nulgath is Temporary Item. if you close Le Bot/Disconnect connection, it's will disappear
Fiend Token Bot (without Diamond of Nulgath) [Auto Get Fiend Token Fixed 03/08/2013 10:05 WIB] (mediafire) NB : you must get as much as possible Diamond of NulgathbeforeusingFiend Token Bot